The KuB will remain closed in the week 22.-26.07.2024 due to acute structural planning.



KuB is a non-profit association with an annual general meeting which elects the board of directors. Apart from this association structure, the weekly team meeting is the highest decision-making body of KuB.

There are 8 "teams" (FG), which are allowed to decide relatively autonomously about their field of work in close exchange with the team meeting:

  • Team initial contact
  • Team Legal Advice
  • Team Support for Women
  • Team Psychosocial Counseling (PSC)
  • Team Translation & Support
  • Team German Courses
  • Team Administration
  • Team IT

In addition, there are many "working groups" (WG) that originate from the team meeting, the teams or from special occasions. Some are permanent, others are only temporary. E.g.:

  • WG Internship
  • WG Community Service
  • WG Anti-discrimination
  • WG Employee appraisals
  • WG Homepage
  • WG SpAM (Speculation, Abstraction, Metaphysics)
  • WG Public Relations
  • WG Janitor
  • WG German course excursions
  • WG Fundraising
  • WG Finances
  • WG KuB as association
  • WG Corona
  • WG Quality management
  • WG Concept

Apart from these basic structures, there are three associated satellite projects:

  • Art project
  • Internal Support (InS)
  • Pool of Lecturers