Please be aware of our limited opening hours in September!

The History of KuB

It`s not only recently that refugees in Germany have had only limited possibilities to take action. Already at the beginning of the 1980s, the Senat of West-Berlin (the Government) decided that:

  • …refugees were not allowed to live in appartments, but have to stay in refugee camps.
  • …refugees were not allowed to move freely in the city.
  • …refugees were not allowed to work.
  • …refugees got less financial support from the state.

Anti-racism activists didn`t like this kind of discrimination. They wanted to support refugees in obtaining their rights. That`s why they founded the "Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Außereuropäische Flüchtlinge eingetragenen Verein (e.V.)" in 1983. "KuB".

Since 2006, it has been named "Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen e.V.". Since 2013, KuB has been spelled with the so called "gender – gap": "Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen e.V."

From the outset, KuB supported refugees and migrants from Berlin and other German regions free of charge:

  • with questions about the right of asylum, right of residence or social assistance law
  • with psychological and social problems
  • with learning German
  • with translating and writing official letters to public offices and courts
  • with support in dealing with authorities, doctors and lawyers

For many years we lacked political and financial support. This changed in 2014. Sometimes we receive financial support from the state, for example for a particular project for a defined period such as one year.

With this money we are able to expand and improve the services we offer. However, we will only take money if we can stay independent of the state. We continue to criticize German and European migration policies.

Today, about 200 people work at KuB. Most of them work on a voluntary basis. About 25 employees are paid. The people working at KuB come from different countries. They all bring their own experiences. Just like the people who come to us to seek advice.

Although KuB is growing, the number of services we offer can't keep pace with the demand for counseling and German classes for refugees.