Please be aware of our limited opening hours in September!

Become part of our group of benefactors and support us with a regular donation!

Dear friends of the KuB,

as you probably already know, the Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen e.V. (KuB) has been supporting refugees and migrants from around the world since 1983. It is important to us to be able to provide advice and support to people regardless of their residence status.

We are currently assist around 3000 individuals per year in their efforts to obtain a secure residential status as well as social and financial equality. At the same time, we are supporting them with social and psychosocial counselling in addition to courses for German language classes. This requires coordination and time commitment on a scale that cannot be accomplished through unpaid labor alone.

Having operated on an entirely voluntary basis for about 30 years, we started receiving funding in 2015. Paid work at the KuB is largely financed through project proposals. These projects have opened up many doors for us, but are also problematic:

  • It is difficult to plan ahead because project terms are only 1-2 years and it is often unclear whether projects will be extended. Project funding follows the budget planning of the funding institutions. It does not not take into account the realities of day to day consulting work. Even small delays or gaps can mean that consultants will have to look for paid work outside of KuB and we have to find and retrain new people. This takes up important resources that we could otherwise use for the consulting work.
  • The terms of many funding organisations exclude big groups of our clients. Funding is also only directed toward persons with good prospects of residency, with no regard for the fact that persons whose asylum applications have been denied or who are subject to deferred deportation also require counselling. It is even more difficult to find funding for psychosocial counselling or German language courses, as clients are referred to the general (but insufficient) healthcare system or German courses for persons with residential status. In addition to these obstacles, the criteria for funding have also become stricter in recent years, along with a changing political climate.

We hope to achieve financing for the KuB that is independent from political majorities and project-based funding so that we can continue to offer long-term support to refugees and migrants in difficult situations. To achieve this goal, we have established a group of benefactors with likeminded individuals who will support us with a fixed, monthly donation. The members of this group receive regular updates. We would also be happy to speak with you personally – you have surely had an idea or two that can benefit the KuB and its beneficiaries. If you would like to join the group of benefactors, download the donation agreement here, fill it out, and return it to us. We would be very pleased to have your support!

Of course, you can also set up a standing order with your bank to make a regular donation. The amounts and donations are tax-deductible. Please support us in making our important work more independent! Monthly donations make it possible for us to plan optimally and work independently. We would also be very grateful if you share our call for donations with your friends, acquaintances, family, and coworkers. Thank you very much for your support!

P.S. You can learn more about our finances in our Transparency Report.