Please be aware of our limited opening hours in September!

Pool of Lecturers

Welcome to the pool of lecturers/experts at KuB. Here you can find information if you are looking for lecturers/experts in the field of refugees and migration.

We offer lectures, training courses, seminars, workshops, and school project days on the following topics:

  • Asylum procedure and right of residence (for beginners and advanced students)
  • Social rights and living conditions of refugees in living in Germany and Berlin
  • Dublin III regulation
  • European border regime (Frontex) and European asylum right system
  • Critical migration studies
  • Critical social work in the field of flight and migration
  • Reflection on one's own position and role (paternalism critiques)
  • Argumentation against prejudices and myths
  • Social Justice & Diversity Training
  • Structural discrimination and intersectionality
  • Racism-critical and diversity-conscious social work
  • Gender and heterosexism
  • Adultism
  • Applying the Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz - Ensuring the Quality of Counseling
  • Historical continuities: What does colonialism have to do with migration today?
  • What is (psychological) trauma?
  • Empowering counseling
  • Group facilitation and/or group mediation
  • Communication in conflicts

Our lecturers are, for example, social- and political scientists. They all have several years of experience in the field of refugees and migration. Some of them are lawyers, others are writing a PhD thesis about respective topics or have already finished their PhD studies. All the lecturers are involved, in the scope of KuB, to gain more rights for refugees and migrants.

Please send the following information to so we can quickly get back to you:

  • What topic and content are you interested in?
  • What is the target audience?
  • Proposals for date, time and extent of the event

We offer this on a fee paying basis. You contract directly with our lecturers, and KuB acts only as an intermediary.

KuB gets a part of the lecturer's fee. Through this arrangement you are also supporting the work of KuB.

Examples for training courses (only in German)